Sunday, July 6, 2008

ratproxy - another web application security tool

ratproxy - [BETA] a semi-automated web application security tool, which allow you to analyse problems such as XSS, insufficient CSRF defenses, caching issues, and much more while browsing the site.

Step 1: Run the tool and only capture domain ""
$ ./ratproxy -v arlinz.dir -w arlinz.file -d -lextifscgjm

ratproxy version 1.51-beta by
[*] Proxy configured successfully. Have fun, and please do not be evil.
[+] Accepting connections on port 8080/tcp (local only)...

Step 2: Point your browse proxy to "localhost:8080" and start browsing

Step 3: Generate the report
$ ./ arlinz.file > report.htm

Step 4: Review the report

Some report from other site:

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